abstract 70
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa)
Estimation of error and adaptivity in mimetic differences for stationary problems
Giovanni Calderón, Jorge Villamizar, Julio C. Carrillo, Carlos Torres, Efrén Montes-Vera
We present a h-adaptive process that defines an optimal mesh to calculate the approximate solution of boundary problems using mimetic numerical schemes. The local error estimate is made from the discrete version of the unidimensional gradient operator, defining an element size in each spatial variable. The numerical experimentation shows the good behavior of the procedure.
Keywords: Mimetic methods; adaptativity; error estimation; optimal mesh; conservative methods; finite differences; remeshing criterion; a posteriori error estimation.
Cite this paper:
Calderón G., Villamizar J., Carrillo J.C., Torres C., Montes-Vera E.
Estimation of error and adaptivity in mimetic differences for stationary problems
Bull. Comput. Appl. Math. (Bull CompAMa)
Vol. 10, No.1, pp.59-80, 2022.