abstract 58
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa)
Statistical analysis of the impact of COVID-19: a study case on several countries
María Cristina Sabando-Álvarez, Darwin X. Tallana-Chimarro, Isidro R. Amaro, Franklin Camacho
In this work we analyzed the impact of COVID-19 in Ecuador, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Italy, Belgium, France, Israel, South Korea, and Japan. The variables considered reflect the impact of the pandemic, taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of each country to confront the disease. The data pertaining the first three months after each country officially reported its first case was obtained from Our World in Data. The analysis was carried out using Cluster analysis and Canonical Biplot. We found that variables representing advantages a country had a priori are not determinant in the containing of the pandemic or the number of deaths derived from the disease. Countries with high testing capacities had a better handling of the pandemic. The implemented analysis allowed a {periodic} evaluation of the situation of each country and determined countries more vulnerable and affected in regard to the studied variables.
Keywords: COVID-19; canonical biplot; cluster analysis; classification.
Cite this paper:
Sabando-Álvarez M.C., Tallana-Chimarro D.X., Amaro I.R., Camacho F.
Statistical analysis of the impact of COVID-19: a study case on several countries
Bull. Comput. Appl. Math. (Bull CompAMa)
Vol. 9, No.1 pp.63-83, 2021.