abstract 62
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa)
Prediction of trending topics using ANFIS and deterministic models
René Escalante, Marco Odehnal
Trending topics are often the result of the spreading of information between users of social networks. These special topics can be regarded as rumors. The spreading of a rumor is often studied with the same techniques as in epidemics spreading. It is common that many datasets may not have enough measured variables, so we propose a method for studying the general behavior of the spreaders by selecting estimated variables given by the deterministic model. In order to provide a good approximation, we implemented an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS). So, in our numerical experimentations, a deterministic approach using $SIR$ and $SIRS$ models (with delay) for two different topics is used. Thus, the authors just applied the ANFIS model for their application and the deterministic model as the preprocessing input variable.
Keywords: Fuzzy logic; ANFIS; rumor propagation; epidemiology; deterministic models; trending topics.
Cite this paper:
Escalante R., Odehnal M.
Prediction of trending topics using ANFIS and deterministic models
Bull. Comput. Appl. Math. (Bull CompAMa)
Vol. 9, No.2, pp.23-42, 2021.