Informations for authors
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa)
Bull CompAMa considers all manuscripts on the strict condition that:
The manuscript should be written in English.
The manuscript is your own original work, and does not duplicate any other previously published work, including your own previously published work.
The manuscript has been submitted only to Bull CompAMa; it is not under consideration or peer review or accepted for publication or in press or published elsewhere.
If plagiarism is identified, the "Publication Ethics and Publication Malpractice Statement" document and COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics Code of Conduct) guidelines on plagiarism will be followed.
Preparation of Manuscript
All papers are carefully refereed by two independent reviewers. Papers limited to twenty-five printed pages will be considered, provided they are not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Surveys and short communications are also considered. Occasionally, special issues devoted to topics of particular interest are invited.
All submitted articles must be accompanied by an abstract that summarizes the principal results obtained and/or the new ideas behind them. Some basic guidelines are:
All papers should be written in LaTeX format.
The first page should contain the author's names, ORCID iDs, affiliations, and addresses.
Abstracts in two languages should be included (English and Spanish). The abstracts should not exceed two hundred words (each language), and followed by the keywords (4 to 8) in English and Spanish.
Acknowledgments and other announcements should be presented at the end.
References should appear at the end of the paper and follow standard practices (Vancouver style) such as that found in the sample LaTeX file.
Authors are encouraged to use the journal’s typesetting format which can be downloaded here. (Instructions_journal0.tex and Instructions_journal0.bib or PDF file Instructions_journal0.pdf).
Names are not enough to ensure credit for your work and are inadequate for reliably connecting researchers with their research outputs. ORCID iDs are unique and persistent identifiers specifically for researchers, analysts, and scholars, see Register for your unique and free ORCID iD at Learn how to register for an ORCID identifier in
In order to expedite the review process of the submitted manuscript, the authors are encouraged to suggest five to eight potential reviewers for their manuscript. Ensure that the following items are present: Title (Dr. Miss. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Prof.), First Name, Last Name, Degree (Ph.D., M.Ph., M.Sc., M.D., etc.), E-mail address (Multiple e-mail addresses should be separated by a semicolon), Position, Institution, Department, Full postal address. It is important to consider the following: the reviewers must not be from your own institution; and they should not have joint publications with any of the authors. However, the final choice of reviewers is at the editors' discretion.
Submission of Manuscrip
All Articles must be submitted electronically. The article as PDF files should be sent to the email address: (or
After your paper is accepted for publication, you will be contacted by the editor and you will be required at this step to submit the LaTeX files. Final formatting matters will follow, and publication will then be immediate.
Copyright information
By submitting their papers to the Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, the authors automatically confirm that their articles, in whole or in part, have not been published elsewhere, and agree to transfer their copyrights to the Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics once their works are accepted.
It is assumed that the corresponding author owns the copyright of his accepted work and can effectively give the transfer of the copyright free of any other claim of any third person. If the work was prepared jointly with other authors, the corresponding author has informed the coauthor(s) of the terms of this copyright transfer and is acting on their behalf with their authorization.
The author(s) shall not publish the work in any other journal, whether electronic or otherwise, in the same, or substantially the same, form as the work, without acknowledging prior publication in this journal.
It is also understood that upon transfer of copyright to the Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, the author(s) retains the following rights:
Patent and trademark rights, and rights to any process or procedure described in the work.
The right, subsequent to publication, to use the work or any part thereof in a printed compilation of other works of their own.
All copies, paper or electronic, or other use of the work must include an indication of the copyright ownership and a full citation of the journal source.
Peer Review Process.
All manuscripts submitted to Bull CompAMa undergo single blind peer review:
Reviewer identity hidden from author.
Reviewer knows identity of authors.
Reviewer anonymity allows for impartial decisions - the reviewers will not be influenced by the authors.
Reviewers help determine the validity, significance and originality of the work, and can suggest improvements to the manuscript and the research. On their recommendation, editors will accept, accept with revisions, or reject a manuscript.
Article Processing Charges (APC)
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa) does not charge any editorial services and production of an article. Also there is not submission charges.
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa) has been able to operate and offer free open access of its papers since 2013, mostly due to the generous support of the Universidad Simón Bolívar.
To supplement this support, and to be able to continue this service to the scientific community, contributions are welcomed from individuals and organizations.
To send your contribution, please contact the Editor-in-Chief (mail: or