S. Buitrago
Research Papers:
An efficient numerical scheme on adaptive mesh for solving singularly perturbed quasilinear boundary value problems (abstract)
Duru H., Demirbas M., Gunes B.Random evolutions, telegraph and Klein-Gordon equations, and Brownian motion (abstract)
Gzyl H.
Single-Valued Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Infi Pre-Open Set in Single-Valued Quadripartitioned Neutrosophic Infi Topological Space (abstract)
Tripathy B.C., Das R., Das S., Poojary P.
Thermal convection in a bidispersive porous media with internal heat source (abstract)
Singh M., Reddy G.S.K., Ragoju R., Matta A., PaidipatiK.K., Chesneau C.
Solutions to two open problems on bivariate variable-power copulas (abstract)
Chesneau C.An Introduction to Urban Mobility: Data, Visualization, Artificial Intelligent Approaches, and Its Foundations (abstract)
Alatrista-Salas H., Cuenca E., Fonseca-Delgado R., Infante S., Manzanilla R., Morales-Navarrete D., Hernandez A., Nunez-del-Prado M., Pineda I., Poncelet P., Sallaberry A.Shift spaces, languages and transfinite induction (abstract)
Aranguren M., Campos J., Romero N., Vivas R.A primal-dual interior point method for high precision solutions of quadratic programming (abstract)
Gonzalez-Lima M.D., Oliveira A.R.L., Oliveira D.E.
Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic d-Ideal of Pentapartitioned Neutrosophic d-Algebra (abstract)
Das S., Das R., Mukherjee A., Poojary P., Bhatta V.
Short Communication Papers:
Neural Networks Learning Approach to Solve Cauchy's Differential Equations (abstract)
Kalyani V.K., Gunjal S., Malavadkar P.
C.J. Vanegas, N.G. Manjavidze, S. Buitrago
Research Papers:
On boundary value problems for nonlinear systems of partial differential equations in the plane (abstract)
G. Manjavidze, W. TutschkeOn a boundary value problem for a class of second-order complex partial differential equations (abstract)
U. Aksoy, A.O. Celebi
Cauchy-Pompeiu type integral formula for multi-harmonic functions (abstract)
J. Ceballos, M. Ceballos, A. Di Teodoro, D. González, D. Ochoa-Tocachi
Fractional Bicomplex Leibniz Type Rule in the Riemann-Liouville Sense (abstract)
N. Coloma, A. Di Teodoro, D. Ochoa-Tocachi, J. Palacios, F. Ponce
Parabolic Dirac operators and their fundamental solutions in parametric Clifford algebras (abstract)
E. Ariza García, J. Vanegas, F. Vargas JiménezA class of harmonic differential forms (abstract)
A. CialdeaBosonic Laplacians in higher spin Clifford analysis (abstract)
C. Ding, J. RyanA new approach to the Clifford algebras (abstract)
J. Játem, J. Vanegas
Survey Research Papers:
Short Communication Papers:
S. Buitrago
Research Papers:
The Discrete Modified Lindley Distribution (abstract)
L. Tomy, V. G, C. ChesneauComputation of prime hyperideals in meet hyperlattices (abstract)
P. Pallavi, S.P. Kuncham, G.R.B. Vadiraja, P. Harikrishnan
Estimation of error and adaptivity in mimetic differences for stationary problems (abstract)
W.G. Calderón, J. Villamizar, J.C. Carrillo, C. Torres, E. Montes-Vera
Third Zagreb Index of Graphs with Added Edges (abstract)
P. Mahalank, I.N. Cangul
Anisotropic Newton's kernel in the plane (abstract)
C.J. Vanegas, F. Vargas JiménezThe fundamental solution for the anisotropic Helmholtz operator in the algebra of complex quaternions (abstract)
D. Cedeño López, C.J. Vanegas Espinoza, F. Vargas JiménezQualitative Analysis of a Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey Model with Delay (abstract)
C. Duque, Z. SivoliOn a certain subclass of analytic functions involving Pascal distribution series (abstract)
B. Venkateswarlu, P.T. Reddy, G. Sujatha, S. Sridevi
Stability and boundedness properties of third order differential equation with variable delay (abstract)
A.A. Adeyanju, C. TuncSome Fixed Point Results on Orthogonal Metric Space (abstract)
Ö. Acar, A.S. Özkapu, Esref Erdogan
C.J. Vanegas, S. Buitrago
Research Papers:
Detection of Discontinuity Points in one Variable Functions using Spaces of Trigonometric Functions (abstract)
P. Palma, R. Gallo, R. ManzanillaPrediction of trending topics using ANFIS and deterministic models (abstract)
R. Escalante, M. Odehnal
A common fixed point theorem for compatible mappings satisfying a contractive condition involving altering distance functions (abstract)
W. Barrera
A note on the integrability of exceptional potentials via polynomial bi-homogeneous potentials (abstract)
P.B. Acosta-Humánez, M. Álvarez-Ramírez, T.J. Stuchi
Interior estimates of first order for initial value problems in the octonion algebra (abstract)
Y. Intriago, E. Ariza, C.J. VanegasDesign of an imputation methodology by random selection using regression trees (abstract)
L. Useche; J. Perez Parra; C. Garcia-Mendoza; A.I. Chacon
Short Communication Papers:
One-dimensional Quaternion Fourier Transform and Some Applications (abstract)
E. Ariza García, C. Jiménez Heredia, C. Chipantiza
C.J. Vanegas, S. Buitrago
Research Papers:
The mathematical physical meaning of the Rarita Schwinger equation factored by a weighted Dirac operator, Part I (abstract)
B. Zayas, C.J. VanegasA student's academic index using multivariate techniques (abstract)
M.E. López Zamora, L. Useche, C. Montes Rodríguez
Statistical analysis of the impact of COVID-19: a study case on several countries (abstract)
M.C. Sabando-Álvarez, D.X. Tallana-Chimarro, I.R. Amaro, F. Camacho
A fundamental solution for the Laplace operator in a doubly connected domain (abstract)
J.L. Vergara Ibarra, C.J. Vanegas
Citizen insecurity in Ecuadorian provinces during the COVID-19 pandemic: multivariate statistical exploratory analysis using GGEBiplotGUI (abstract)
J. Burbano-Gallegos, K. García-Pinargote, I.R. Amaro
Research Papers:
A constrained ill-posed linear problem with data in intervals arising in geodetic leveling (abstract)
H. Gzyl, S. MayoralSymbolic Algorithm to Solve Initial Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations (abstract)
S. Thota, S.D. Kumar
Attractive Periodic Solutions of a Discrete Holling-Tanner Predator-Prey Model with Impulsive Effect (abstract)
C. Duque, J. Uzcátegui, B. Ruiz, M. Pérez
Short Communication Papers:
Free surface flow under a gate with gravity and surface tension effect (abstract)
A. Laiadi, A. Merzougui
Modeling of complete combustion reaction of room temperature gaseous Alkanes via join space (abstract)
M. Norouzi, A. Mohammadi, V. Leoreanu-Fotea
Research Papers:
Chemical hyperstructures for Astatine, Tellurium and for Bismuth (abstract)
M. Al Tahan, B. DavvazInterior estimates in the sup-norm for a class of generalized functions with integral representations (abstract)
E. Ariza, A. Di Teodoro, J. Vanegas
A New Sine-G Family of Distributions: Properties and Applications (abstract)
Z. Mahmood, C. Chesneau, M.H. TahirResolution of nonlinear and non-autonomous ODEs by the ADM using a new practical Adomian polynomials (abstract)
I.N. Zaouagui, T. Badredine
Volume 6, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2018
Research Papers:
Total dominator chromatic number of some operations on a graph (abstract)
N. Ghanbari, S. AlikhaniNumerical solution of mixed Volterra-Fredholm integral equations using iterative method via two-variables Bernstein polynomials (abstract)
F. Hosseini Shekarabi, R. Ezzati
Quadrature formulae of Euler-Maclaurin type based on generalized Euler polynomials of level m (abstract)
Y. Quintana, A. UrielesIntegrating Fuzzy Formal Concept Analysis and Rough Set Theory for the Semantic Web (abstract)
A. Formica
Complex Neutrosophic Graphs (abstract)
N. Yaqoob, M. Akram
Volume 6, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2018
Research Papers:
Transitivity of parametric family of cardinality-based fuzzy similarity measures using Lukasiewicz t-norm (abstract)
M. Aslam Javed, S. Ashraf, S.M. HusnineNew results on the stability, integrability and boundedness in Volterra integro-differential equations (abstract)
C. Tunç, O. Tunç
Fundamentals of soft category theory (abstract)
S.K. Sardar, S. Gupta, B. DavvazA new flexible extension of the generalized half-normal lifetime model with characterizations and regression modeling (abstract)
E. Altun, H.M. Yousof, G.G. Hamedani
Short Communication Papers:
On the Modified Methods for Irreducible Linear Systems with L-Matrices (abstract)
S.A. Edalatpanah
Volume 5, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2017
Research Papers:
Modeling seismic wave propagation using staggered-grid mimetic finite differences (abstract)
F. Solano-Feo, J. Guevara-Jordan, C. González-Ramiréz, O. Rojas-Ulacio, B. Otero-CalvinyoSurrogate reservoir models for CSI well probabilistic production forecast (abstract)
S. Buitrago, O. Romero
Evaluation of the Von Rosenberg's method for the convection-diffusion equation (abstract)
N. Guanda, I. Grau
Volume 5, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2017
Research Papers:
Linear programming model for solution of matrix game with payoffs trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy number (abstract)
D. Hunwisai, P. KumamLegendre collocation method and its convergence analysis for the numerical solutions of the conductor-like screening model for real solvents integral equation (abstract)
E. Hesameddini, M. Shahbazi
A convex optimization approach for solving large scale linear systems (abstract)
D. Cores, J. FigueroaOn solution of a nonlocal problem with dynamic boundary conditions for a loaded linear parabolic equation by straight-line methods (abstract)
Z. KhankishiyevA positive spectral gradient-like method for large-scale nonlinear monotone equations (abstract)
H. Mohammad, A.B. AbubakarFitting of parameters for a temperature control model by means of continuous derivative-free optimization: a case study in a broiler house (abstract)
B.H. Cervelin, D. Conti, D.T. Detsch, M.A. Diniz-Ehrhardt, J.M. Martínez
Volume 4, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2016
Research Papers:
A globally convergent method for nonlinear least-squares problems based on the Gauss-Newton model with spectral correction (abstract)
D.S. Gonçalves, S.A. SantosModified Spectral Projected Subgradient Method: Convergence Analysis and Momentum Parameter Heuristics (abstract)
M. Loreto, S. Clapp, C. Cratty, B. Page
Constrained optimization with integer and continuous variables using inexact restoration and projected gradients (abstract)
E.G. Birgin, R.D. Lobato, J.M. MartínezDerivative-free method for bound constrained nonlinear monotone equations and its application in solving steady state reaction-diffusion problems (abstract)
O. Batta, W. La Cruz, G. NogueraSparse approximations of matrix functions via numerical integration of ODEs (abstract)
J.-P. ChehabHole-filling techniques by using minimal energy surfaces (abstract)
M.A. Fortes E.
Volume 4, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2016
Research Papers:
Two extensions of the Dai-Liao method with sufficient descent property based on a penalization scheme (abstract)
M. Fatemi, S. Babaie-KafakiStability and square integrability of solutions of nonlinear fourth order differential equations (abstract)
M. Remili, M. Rahmane
Redox reactions as experimental examples of ternary weak algebraic hyperstructures (abstract)
B. Davvaz, V. Leoreanu-Fotea, F. Feng
Volume 3, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2015
Research Papers:
A deterministic optimization approach for solving the rainfall disaggregation problem (abstract)
D. Cores, L. Guenni, L. TorresLoop topological complexity (abstract)
Y. Derfoufi, M.I. Mamouni
Survey Research Papers:
Volume 3, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2015
Research Papers:
Motion planning algorithms, topological properties and affine approximation (abstract)
Y. Derfoufi, M.I. MamouniSimulation of the oxygen distribution in a tumor tissue using residual algorithms (abstract)
W. La Cruz
Volume 2, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2014
Research Papers:
Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2014
Research Papers:
Volume 1, Issue 2, Jul-Dec 2013
Research Papers:
Oceanic influence on extreme rainfall trends in the north central coast of Venezuela: present and future climate assessments (abstract)
L. Guenni, C. Nobre, J. Marengo, G. Huerta, B. SansóSome Convergence Strategies for the Alternating Generalized Projection Method (abstract)
M. Andrade, R. Escalante, R. Espitia
Short Communication Papers:
Volume 1, Issue 1, Jan-Jun 2013
Research Papers:
The exponential distribution as the sum of discontinuous distributions (abstract)
J. L. PalaciosGlobal improvements of a protein alignment algorithm and comparison with a global optimization solver (abstract)
P. Gouveia, R. Andreani, A. Friedlander, J.M. Martínez, L. MartínezPseudoinverse preconditioners and iterative methods for large dense linear least-squares problems (abstract)
O. Cahueñas, L.M. Hernández-Ramos, M. Raydan
Short Communication Papers:
(Free) Software for general partial differential equation problems in non-rectangular 2D and 3D regions (abstract)
G. SewellSolving the KPI wave equation with a moving adaptive FEM grid (abstract)
G. SewellGNU Oflox: an academic software for the minimal cost network flow problem (abstract)
M. Sajo-Castelli, B. Feijoo