abstract 65
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics (Bull CompAMa)
Interior estimates of first order for initial value problems in the octonion algebra
Yandry Intriago, Eusebio Ariza GarcĂa, Carmen Judith Vanegas
In this paper we use a Cauchy-Type integral formula for analytic octonionic-valued functions, to give an interior estimate of first order, in the supremum norm, for such functions. These estimates are used to solve an initial value problem with a O-analytic function as initial data, via the Banach fixed point theorem.
Keywords: Interior estimates; Octonions; $\mathbb{O}-$analytic functions; initial value problem.
Cite this paper:
Intriago Y., Ariza E., Vanegas C.J.
Interior estimates of first order for initial value problems in the octonion algebra
Bull. Comput. Appl. Math. (Bull CompAMa)
Vol. 9, No.2, pp.77-95, 2021.